- Ask yourself," Why is this an issue in my life? 问问自己,"为什么这成了我生活中的一个问题?
- Why is this basic woman so valuable to the man? 为什么这个基本的女人对男人如此重要?
- Why is this tall old man so arrogant? 这个长脚老头凭什么自以为了不起?
- Why is this bikini so expensive? 这件比基尼为什么这么贵?
- Mr. Potato Head: Why is this cellar empty? 老白薯:为什么空窖呀?
- Why is this and how could you benefit? 为什么这怎么和效益?
- Why is this of interest to Allegro? 为什么符合Allegro的利益?
- Why is this book in the psychology? section? 为什么这本书在心理学专区?
- Why is this harmless file detected as a virus? 那为什么为把这个文件认为是病毒呢?
- Why is this nightdress so expensive? 这件睡衣为什么这么贵?
- Explanation: Why is this galaxy so discombobulated? 说明: 为什么这个星系如此混乱?
- As this occurs now, another pathway opens that was not possible before. 现在因为此事的发生,另一条以前不可能的道路打开。
- Why is this term spelled in such a way? 为什么这个词如此拼写?
- So, why is this innocuous plant illegal? 那么,为什么这一无毒植物不合法呢?
- Why is this our fave skin typing system?Because Dr. 为什么我们的皮肤类型会这样系统化了呢?
- Brief on the language: Please analyse , why is this? 提示语:请你们来分析一下,这是为什么?
- Vernon zhong: right now, why is she the one i think? Xia zhixing? Is this heart thought, or ghost gathered? (仲天骐:这个时候,我想的人怎么会是她?夏之星?这算是心有所思,还是阴魂不散啊?
- Why is this century so special as opposed to a thousand years ago? 跟一千年前比起来,为什么这个时代会这么特别?
- Thankfully, there is no sign of this occurring yet. 谢天谢地,现在还没有发生这种情况的迹象。